Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Meet our leadership team

Thomas started in emergency services in 2001, During this time, Thomas has held various positions in EMS. Thomas served in multiple supervisory and management positions in both commercial and combination departments. He has held the position of EMS captain and Assistant chief prior to being appointed as Chief in 2021. Thomas is a graduate of the Fitch and associates ASM program. He is currently perusing a Master's in public policy and leadership.
Thomas Meyers
Chief of EMS

Erin started with COCVAC in 2003 as the very first career employee of the organization. As an employee, Erin has held the positions Administrative Assistant, and Office Manager. Today Erin is the Assistant Chief of Administration. Erin hold many certifications in Human Resources and ambulance billing
Erin Mucitelli
Assistant Chief of Administration

Samantha started in emergency services in 2008, during her career Samantha held many positions in EMS including field supervisor, training officer, and quality assurance director. Samantha is a 2011 graduate of the Utica Fire Academy where she earned her AAS in fire protection technology. Samantha is pursuing her Bachelor's degree in EMS administration with a focus on Mobile Integrated healthcare.